September 27, 2013

The Irony: Attending A Globe + Nuffnang Event Without My Phone

Before I really get to the main idea of this post, I'd just  like to say that Nuffnang and Globe are the best! Globe's Go Bigger Movie Night was awesome! They gave out goodie bags (I was secretly hoping a free phone was inside with a free data plan!), had a free photo printing station where you can print your instagram photos and the highlight of the day, they gave away a Huawei Smartphone! I really wanted to participate in all these activities if only I hadn't forgotten my phone that day.

So there I was, in the midst of a Globe event, without my Globe phone. I felt like a caveman. While everyone else was taking advantage of all the perks modern technology had to offer, I had to content myself with watching other people, staring at Chris Hemsworth's Thor movie poster (which gets really old after a while no matter how handsome he was) and shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. The truth is, a day without my phone was in some ways, crippling and in others, liberating.

Crippling because I felt out of touch with everyone. I had nothing to fiddle with when I was bored while waiting in line. I also felt like I didn't know what was going on with the world and actually missed seeing an MMDA tweet on my feed. I had serious twitter withdrawal syndrome.

On the upside, not having my phone forced me to do the following:

1) Think of silly things to keep me entertained while queuing up, resisting that inner itch to reach inside my bag and find something to fiddle with. After a few uneasy minutes, I finally became comfortable with the fact that I was in line alone with nothing to do and it was perfectly ok.

2) Actually communicate and reach out to another person. I remember being in pre-school. I wasn't shy. I'd always go up to the other kids and make friends. This started to change as I grew up and began to gain access to technology. If I felt uncomfortable, I'd use my phone as a barrier. It was easier to play candy crush instead of engaging in a real conversation with a stranger. But today, I got the courage to talk to someone (though he did laugh when I asked if he was a blogger, way to start a conversation at a blogger event.) and made a new acquaintance. Shoutout to Ronj of Yes, I'm that weird girl who started to talk to you while you were scrolling your facebook timeline.

Turns out one day without my phone was actually a good thing.


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