December 31, 2013

2013 Highlights

2013 was a difficult year for me. It was a year of loss, betrayals and grief.
But it was also a year of learning and re-learning. It was an exercise on trust, loyalty, getting back up on my feet and re-discovering myself. Doing a re-cap on the positive things that happened will help put things in perspective and seems an appropriate thing to do to end the year. 

Click for the re-cap

Hongkong Trip
My first trip to Hongkong. It was a work trip but we managed to squeeze in some shopping and sight seeing in between. The highlights of this trip - Xiao Long Bao and getting lost in the city. 

Cambodia Angkor Wat Trip 
There were too many photos and a lot of highlights but the best one of all is Mr. Chhay - our tour guide.

Temple Run in the morning, Pub Street at Night.

Read about what to do, itinerary and Cambodia trips here at Frantic Elastic's blog.

My brother's high school graduation. Hooray!

The birth of my goddaughter, this little cutie pie brought a lot of smiles and laughter. :)

An Engagement in the Family (April)
My beautiful cousin got engaged on her birthday. :) 

Also, for the first time in entire life, I had bangs so I showed it off to my friends. Haha!

These two girls are my lifeline. Through every difficult moment that I've been through this year, they were there to cheer me on, making sure I took a step forward every single time. They cancelled their plans when I hit rock bottom so that they could be there for me. 

Birthday Surprise 
Spent the day with my family and then at midnight, Leo surprised me with all my favorite things.
Oddly enough, I can't find any photos of this. 

My favorite office friends had a little surprise of their own.

Cliff Diving
This was the most difficult month of the year. There were so many struggles that I had to overcome. But jumping off that cliff was so cathartic.

Mikky Ekko
On one of the worst days of my year. I tweeted Mikky Ekko that I was listening to his music to get me through a difficult day. And he replied!!!!!

That tweet generated enough courage and  happiness to last me a week. Haha!

Baguio Trip
Just to get away from the exhaustion, both physical and emotional.

UAAP Championship
Ok, so this was not a personal highlight. But this was a victory for every Lasallian.

November - December
It was all a blur because of Typhoon Yolanda and the Holiday Rush so no photos here.
I was excited for Christmas but I'm also glad that those busy days are done with. :)

Now that the year's recap is done here are some of my goals/systems for the next year:

I. Get Healthy - Eat more veggies, exercise more often and reduce my intake of sweets. Got to keep that  blood sugar level down.

II. Capture more moments - This year being what it was, I only took a few photos. I guess I need to buy a phone with a nice camera (or new phone and a nice new camera) to capture the highlights of the next year. hehe!

III. Spend more time with my family. 2013 was a selfish year. I spent it just for myself and I missed my family a lot. So it's time to start hanging out with them more often. :)

IV. Save & Invest. I'm not getting any younger and while I'm good at meeting my monthly obligations, I tend to spend all my extra money. It's time to develop a new system.

V. Travel More. No explanations needed. :)

VI. Laugh and Smile more often.


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